summer knit.
We've had a couple of real scorcher days. We caved & turned on the AC & had the ceiling fans running (ceiling fans are Frankies favourite things!). Our freezer has homemade lemonade popsicles in it & our fridge is nicely packed with delicious seasonal fruit & vegetables.
And just in time for the heatwaves, I finished this:Navajo Cardigan from the Patons book 'Anti Freeze'
Patons Classic Wool RovingI started this sweater last May. I was hoping to finish it in time to bring on our trip to Newfoundland, but I only worked on it during lunch hour at work & didn't get it done in time & then it just lingered. When I packed up my stuff before going on mat leave, I found it neatly packed in a zippered bag & I promised I'd finish it. I made one big change - as written, the sleeves are too short for me so I did some math & charted them out & now they are perfect.
So...the sleeves fit, but the rest of the sweater is sadly too small for me at this time. When I began knitting this I was not pregnant & had no idea that my body would soon be swelling with a baby (and, several bagels & cream cheese). I ended up gaining quite a bit of weight in those 40 weeks & I'm having a heck of a time getting rid of it now.
I've tucked it away in a safe place & will hopefully get to wear it once the weather gets cold enough to need a big thick wool sweater.
Now that this is done, I am devoting what little knitting time I have to finishing a cardigan my friend Susanna asked me to knit for her FIVE YEARS AGO. I started it right when she requested it & then, well, stuff happened & my life went crazy & then it got lost in the land of UFOs. It's going nicely now though, and I have just one sleeve and a half to go. And guys? It's a beauty.