Spring? Is that you?
SSSSSssssssssssunny sunshine! Finally. Every year when the weather finally turns this crucial corner I feel like hugging random people on the street. "We made it man, we really made it!"
Also, warm sun means that I can, if I want, wait in the park on a bench for my boyfriend & knit.Here I am knitting those effing cotton socks. These socks are too small for the intended recipient, but I've been having such a hard time knitting them that I really don't think I could handle it if I were to rip back & add length to the foot.
I took this picture because this song came on my ipod & it's by a band named 'Sunshine' I've never heard of this band & I have no idea how it ended up on my ipod but it wasn't terrible. (note to self: should knit a little ipod cozy - look how scratched up it is!)
On my way home I stopped & picked up this super cute ceramic thing to keep my needles in!I'm a great admirer of people who keep their knitting needles in jars & now I am one of them! Yes!
It occurred to me that I've been doing so much knitting with circulars & dpns that I have been sort of neglecting my nice long straights. Maybe for my next project I'll treat myself to some choice needles.
Now......Nice huh? This is some Fleece Artist right here - this is really super stuff - that acid green colour had me at hello. The thing is, I've started knitting 'Brenda's Socks' & I'm not sure the pattern is right for this yarn.
From the looks of the cuff, if I were to knit this in a plainer pattern a subtle stripey thing would happen with the browns, blues & greens. Yes, guy! But I'm having a tough time finding just the right one. Time to spend some one on one with my pattern books!
Thanks for your comment. I've fixed it now. You are officialy canadian!
Nice jar! I'll have to look for a nice yar myself.
That's some gorgeous new yarn! I think it looks just as good in the pattern as at the cuff, just in a different way.
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