07 December 2006

wanna be on top?

Last night I took a much needed break from crafting (I never thought I'd sayt his...but I might suffer from crafting burnout soon!) to watch the finale of ANTM. My friends & I have gathered weekly at each other's homes to oooo & ahhhh over the Tyra's Vag arms & Miss Jay's cute little everything:

It was a bitter sweet goodbye -- I didn't feel ready to let go, but I was also keen on cutting some of my television ties; ties which are being cut at an alarming rate! I *just* said goodbye to Project Runway on Monday & Six Feet Under the week before! soon I'll be able to read books again!

There was a lot of wine & a lot of treats & a lot of hooting & hollering....even champagne! And huge rasterbated images of Caridee & Miss Jay (And Tyra, but she was on the other wall)

Tim had been out of town & was taping the show - so we were all urged to keep the name of America's Next Most Toppest Model a secret.....which everyone did.

Everyone except for me - and I did it the most accidentally ever & I had had enough wine that after I said it I asked Tim to pose for a photo of him being angry & me being SO sorry:

I'm all like "friends?" and he's all like "give me 3 seconds to get over being mad at my bff." and I'm all like "Have I ever told you how handsome you are" and he's all like "I can't stay mad at you" and I'm all like "that's right baby."

As *IF* he didn't know Caridee was going to win.

As IF.


Tiger Feet said...

I love Caridee to bits too, but as much as Melrose seemed like one of those awful, insane, driven LA Girls, it wasn't really fair that she did EVERYTHING your supposed to do to win ANTM - and didn't win.

If only winning ANTM actually translated into anything more than marrying a C-list celeb, and starring in a few very stilted commercials...

Caridee is gorgous though. Maybe she can shed the ANTM conotations and just get on with being a workign model...

OK, stream of conciousness over. Better do some work now.

By the way - totally awestruck by your BbW coat!! that is fantastic. Totally impressed.

Miss13 said...

I so wish i was there to watch with you and your friends. The fact you rasterbated them and had cham is even more reason ! Girrrl, i wish we lived closer. i love ya !

Julia said...

Crafting, ANTM, wine-induced loose lips...Are you sure you're not my long-lost sister? What the hell are we going to watch until CNTM starts?